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Titre : Creating Buildings with Positive Impacts (E-book, 2/2019) Type de document : Publication Auteurs : Douglas MULHALL, Auteur ; BRAUNGART, Michael, Auteur ; Katja HANSEN, Auteur Editeur : Technische Universität München (TUM) Année de publication : 2019 Autre Editeur : BAMB Consortium Importance : 102 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : ISBN 978-3-941370-34-0 Prix : Free Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bâtiment
Bâtiment:bâtiment durable
déchets de chantier
empreinte écologique
Environnement (général)
gaz à effet de serre
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
valorisationMots-clés : BAMB construction économie circulaire, ressources, conception Résumé : Creating Buildings with Positive Impacts is designed to do what its title says. It is a guide for every property owner, investor, developer, builder, or planner to create a beneficial footprint in the Circular Economy. The guide includes a practical method for setting objectives and gaining economic benefits from the results, with examples at every stage, and combines best practices from the marketplace for new and renovated buildings.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, www.bamb2020.eu) coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Guide/Vade-mecum - Gids/Vade-mecum Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaires
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05-Creating-Buildings-with-Positive-Impacts.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, BAMB Pilots - Feasibility study + Feedback report (D12, 8/2017) : Testing BAMB results through prototyping and pilot projects Type de document : Publication Auteurs : Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur ; Zuyd Hogeschool, Auteur ; EPEA Nederland BV, Auteur ; Sarajevo Green Design Foundation (SGDF), Auteur ; Drees & Summer, Auteur ; Technische Universität München (TUM), Auteur ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Auteur ; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Auteur ; BRE, Auteur Editeur : BAMB Consortium Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 134 p. Prix : Free Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bâtiment
Bâtiment:bâtiment durable
déchets de chantier
empreinte écologique
Environnement (général)
gaz à effet de serre
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
valorisationMots-clés : BAMB construction économie circulaire, ressources, conception Résumé : This report provides a synthesis of the feasibility analyses performed for each of the 6 BAMB pilot projects that are spread geographically across Europe. These feasibility studies investigate the challenges, opportunities and barriers identified regarding the implementation of Reversible Building concepts. They prepare the later prototyping and construction phases detailed in reports D12 and D13.
New design, manufacturing, construction and maintenance approaches for dynamic and circular buildings are being investigated and demonstrated. Various operational and testing environments are chosen. Reversible Building Design approaches, the implementation of Materials Passports, new business models for circular material value chains, organized supplier communities, etc. developed in other work packages are being investigated in the 6 real construction or refurbishment projects. The constructions are funded foremost by private partner investments. These private partners assign experts (designers, engineers, production houses, contractors…) for the design, manufacturing and construction of the pilots.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, www.bamb2020.eu) coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaires
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07-D12-feasibility-report-and-feedback-report_web-min-min-min.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF
Titre : BUILDINGS AS MATERIAL BANKS, BAMB Pilots - Prototyping + Feedback report (D13, 4/2018) : Testing BAMB results through prototyping and pilot projects Type de document : Publication Auteurs : Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel, Auteur ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Auteur ; EPEA Nederland BV, Auteur ; Sarajevo Green Design Foundation (SGDF), Auteur ; Drees & Summer, Auteur ; Universiteit Twente, Auteur Editeur : BAMB Consortium Année de publication : 2018 Importance : 61 p. Prix : Free Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bâtiment
Bâtiment:bâtiment durable
déchets de chantier
empreinte écologique
Environnement (général)
gaz à effet de serre
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
valorisationMots-clés : BAMB construction économie circulaire, ressources, conception Résumé : The BAMB pilot cases investigate and demonstrate new design, manufacturing, construction and maintenance approaches for dynamic and circular buildings.
The present report focuses on the prototyping of key elements of the pilot projects as an essential step to materialize, test and improve building elements and systems to maximize impact on the building’s circularity. It follows on the feasibility report D12 and prepares the real scale construction detailed in report D14.
The goal is to see how certain building products and systems (existing, improved or newly designed) can be transformed and disassembled with minimum waste production and limited use of natural resources through improved reuse, refurbishment and recycling.
This is a publication of the European project “Buildings as Material Banks” (BAMB, 9/2015-2/2019, www.bamb2020.eu) coordinated by Brussels Environment, which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme.
Support - Drager : Electronique - Elektronisch Type de publication - Type publicatie : Etude/Rapport - Studie/Rapport Public cible - Doelpubliek : Professionnels - Professionals Archivé - Gearchiveerd : Non - Nee Exemplaires
Code-barres Support Localisation Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Documents numériques
08-20180425-BAMB-WP4-D13.pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF